
Things To Know About Same-Day Dental Implants
Beverly Hills, CA

same-day dental implants

By Oral surgeon Beverly Hills

Understanding Dental Implants

Same-day dental implants are prosthetic tooth roots that are surgically inserted into the mandible to support dentures. Comprising a titanium post, an abutment, and a crown, they offer a durable, natural-looking solution for missing teeth. 

The implant fuses with the bone, ensuring stability and functionality. Suitable for single or multiple teeth replacements, implants preserve facial structure and prevent bone loss. 

They require good oral hygiene and periodic check-ups for long-term success. Although costly and involving a multi-step process, dental implants provide a permanent, reliable option, restoring aesthetics, speech, and chewing function, enhancing overall oral health and confidence for individuals with missing teeth.

Traditional Implant Process vs. Same-Day Implant Process

The traditional dental implant process involves multiple steps spanning several months. Initially, the dentist assesses the patient’s suitability, surgically places the implant into the jawbone, and allows time for osseointegration (bone fusion). 

Following this, an abutment is attached to the implant, and after the gums heal, a custom-made crown is affixed.

In contrast, same-day implants (or immediate implants) expedite this process. The dentist evaluates the patient’s candidacy, extracts the tooth (if necessary), inserts the implant, and sometimes attaches a temporary crown in one visit. 

This immediate approach reduces treatment time and minimizes the waiting period for a functional tooth.

Both methods have pros and cons, but same-day implants offer quicker results, while traditional implants follow a more extended, tried-and-tested procedure. 

Patient suitability, bone health, and dental considerations influence the choice between these techniques.


1. Immediate Functionality: Same-day implants offer immediate restoration of function, allowing patients to leave with a functional tooth or teeth on the same day as the procedure.

2. Reduced Treatment Time: This approach significantly reduces the overall treatment duration by bypassing the waiting period between implant placement and crown attachment, saving multiple visits to the dentist.

3. Preservation of Bone and Gum Tissue: Immediate implant placement helps maintain the bone and gum structure by swiftly filling the gap left by the missing tooth, preventing potential bone loss and gum recession.

4. Improved Aesthetics and Confidence: Patients benefit from immediate cosmetic improvements, avoiding the embarrassment of a missing tooth and promptly regaining their smile confidence.

5. Enhanced Patient Convenience: Same-day implants provide convenience, as patients don’t have to adapt to extended healing periods or wear temporary prosthetics, streamlining the tooth replacement process.

Risks and Considerations

1. Risk of Implant Failure: Immediate loading of implants may increase the risk of implant failure due to compromised osseointegration, particularly in cases with poor bone quality or quantity.

2. Potential Complications: Same-day implants can lead to complications such as infection, improper integration, or implant instability, requiring additional corrective procedures or implant removal.

3. Limited Candidate Suitability: Not all patients are suitable candidates for same-day implants; factors like bone density, gum health, and specific oral conditions may necessitate the traditional implant approach.

4. Possibility of Aesthetic Compromise: Immediate placement might only sometimes achieve the optimal aesthetic outcome, as there might be challenges in matching the immediate temporary crown to the natural teeth.

5. Long-term Success Uncertainty: While immediate implants offer rapid solutions, their long-term success rates compared to traditional implants may vary, requiring careful patient selection and ongoing monitoring.

Who is a Good Candidate for Same-Day Dental Implants?

Good candidates for same-day dental implants typically include individuals who:

1. Have Good Oral Health: Candidates should have good oral health with healthy gums and sufficient bone density to support the implant. 

2. Are Non-Smokers or Willing to Quit: Smoking can hinder the healing process, so non-smokers or those committed to quitting are better candidates for successful implantation.

3. Require Single Tooth Replacement: Same-day implants are suitable for cases of single tooth replacement where the surrounding teeth and gums are healthy.

4. Have Stable Overall Health: Candidates should have good health with no medical conditions that could interfere with the healing process.

5. Desire Immediate Results: Patients who prioritize immediate tooth restoration and are willing to diligently follow post-operative care instructions are good candidates for same-day implants.

However, each case is evaluated individually to establish eligibility for same-day implants. To ascertain the appropriateness of this surgery and to assess the patient’s unique oral health, a comprehensive examination by a dentist is necessary.

Also Read: What Disqualifies You From Dental Implants?

Aftercare and Maintenance for Same-Day Dental Implants

1. Follow Post-Operative Instructions: Adhere strictly to the dentist’s aftercare guidelines, which typically include instructions for oral hygiene, dietary restrictions, and prescribed medications to ensure proper healing.

2. Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene: Brushing gently and using recommended oral hygiene tools are crucial to prevent infection and maintain the health of the implant and surrounding tissues.

3. Attend Regular Follow-Up Appointments: Regular check-ups with the dentist are essential to monitor the healing process, ensure proper implant integration, and address any issues promptly.

4. Avoid Harmful Habits: Avoid smoking or chewing complex objects that could damage the implant or hinder healing. 

5. Dietary Considerations: Stick to a soft diet to prevent strain on the implant site. Gradually transition to a regular diet as the dentist advises to avoid complications and support healing.

Following these aftercare steps and attending scheduled follow-ups can significantly contribute to the long-term success and durability of same-day dental implants.

Are One-Day Dental Implants Right for You?

When considering same-day dental implants, suitability relies on individual circumstances. If seeking immediate functionality, maintaining good oral health, and valuing convenience, same-day implants could be an option. 

However, candidacy depends on bone density, health, and dental needs. 

Consulting with professionals, such as Beverly Hills Oral and Facial Surgeon, specializing in Same-Day Dental Implants in Beverly Hills, CA, ensures personalized assessments for the most appropriate treatment choice. 

Their expertise guides patients through decision-making, evaluating if immediate implants align with oral health goals and emphasizing the importance of thorough evaluation before opting for this expedited dental solution.

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