
Does Wisdom Teeth Extraction Change Face Shape?
Beverly Hills, CA

Does Wisdom Teeth Extraction Change Face Shape?

By Oral surgeon Beverly Hills

As we get older, our teeth start to fall out of alignment and develop cavities. At some point, we may need to have a wisdom teeth extraction or receive dental implants in order to restore the smile and facial structure we once had. But what happens if you don’t catch your wisdom tooth issues early on? Can they really change your face shape?

Wisdom Teeth Can Pose a Problem for Some People.

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to come in, and they can pose a problem for some people. If your wisdom teeth don’t come out on their own, they may need to be removed.

There are many reasons why you might need to have your wisdom teeth extracted (also known as “extractions”). Some of these include:

  • Pain or infection from impacted wisdom teeth that cause damage to the gums, bone, or other structures in your mouth
  • Crowding issues with adjacent teeth due to large impacted wisdom teeth

It’s Important To Note That Not all Wisdom Teeth are Impacted.

Some people have fully developed mouths and room for all 32 teeth, while others might not have enough room for their third molars to grow into proper alignment.

Just as it’s important to note that not all wisdom teeth are impacted, it’s also important to understand why some people have problems with their third molars.

There are many reasons why some people have problems with their wisdom teeth. Some people have too much room for their wisdom teeth and others don’t have enough room; this can lead to misalignment or crowding of other teeth in the mouth. In addition, some people may experience pain from impacted third molars because they grow in at different angles (obliquely) rather than vertically as most adult teeth do.

How Wisdom Teeth Affect the Facial Shape

For example, if your mouth isn’t big enough to accommodate your wisdom teeth, they could push forward or outward, causing your jawline to change shape.

If you have a lot of crowding in your mouth, it’s possible that your wisdom teeth could push forward or outward, causing your jawline to change shape. This can lead to changes in the way you bite and chew food as well as affect how your face looks overall.

Some people consider having their wisdom teeth extracted in order to correct a crooked smile or jawline when they’re younger so they don’t have to undergo major surgery later on in life.

Wisdom teeth extraction is a common procedure that can be done in a dentist’s office. It is a minor surgery to remove wisdom teeth and usually involves local anesthesia.

There are Many Reasons Why People Choose to Have Their Wisdom Teeth Removed:

  • If they are impacted, this means that they do not have enough room to come in properly or at all.
  • When there is an infection or abscessed tooth on one side of your mouth, it may need to be removed along with its neighboring tooth so that the infection doesn’t spread further into your jawbone and cause more problems later on down the road (like damage to other teeth).

Your dentist will conduct an oral exam and x-rays before determining whether or not you need further treatment for your wisdom teeth. They’ll be able to tell if there’s inflammation or infection around your affected molar as well as if it needs extraction due to crowding issues with adjacent teeth.

When you visit your dentist regularly, they can check for any signs of infection or inflammation that may indicate the need for a wisdom tooth extraction.

When you get regular checkups, it will also alert them if there is any crowding in your jawbone so that they can decide whether or not it’s best for you to have one of your wisdom teeth removed. If there are no issues with the surrounding teeth and gum tissue around the impacted molar, then it’s unlikely that extraction would be necessary at all–but if there is any sign of infection or inflammation around this area (or if other symptoms like pain persist), then most likely they’ll recommend having it taken out.

Dental X-rays are very useful when determining whether or not further treatment is necessary because they show exactly where each individual tooth sits within its socket as well as how much space remains between them before reaching their neighbors’ roots/crowns; this helps determine whether or not there is room left over after all four adult premolars erupt through their gums during adolescence (usually between ages 12-16).

There are ways you can avoid having problems with tooth extraction later on by making sure you get them checked out early enough!

If you have a problem with your wisdom teeth, the best thing to do is get them checked out by a dentist.

If you are having problems with your wisdom teeth, it’s best to get them removed by a dentist.


If you’re concerned about how your teeth will affect your face shape, it’s best to get them checked out as soon as possible. If you wait too long and develop problems with impacted wisdom teeth, then it could lead to more serious issues down the road like infection or even losing an entire tooth!


Q: Does wisdom teeth extraction change face shape?

A: Wisdom teeth extraction does not change the shape of your face. However, it does change the way that your face looks, as well as how your teeth fit together.

Q: How long does it take for wisdom teeth extraction to heal?

A: It generally takes about two weeks for the swelling and pain from wisdom teeth extractions to subside. However, it can be longer if you’re still experiencing pain or inflammation after two weeks. If this is the case for you, it’s important to talk to your dentist about what options are available for treating your pain and inflammation.

Q: Can wisdom teeth extraction cause problems with my other teeth?

A: Yes! If there’s an issue with the position of your wisdom teeth (or any other teeth), they might crowd out other teeth that are already in place—making them crooked or misaligned. Your dentist will determine whether this is an issue before proceeding with surgery.

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